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Kampfzeit Forum

Main forum
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This section is not for announcements, but rather the technical aspects of the forum.

Topics: 8  |  Posts: 68

Badges update


Members resources
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Write something about yourself when you join the forum.

Topics: 18  |  Posts: 111



In this sections we discuss, recommend and share literature about collecting, history or reference.

Topics: 46  |  Posts: 171

Deutsche Legion (ger…


Heads up

In this section we share items for sale somewhere.

Topics: 15  |  Posts: 54

The Party Badge


In this section we discuss dealers.

Topics: 1  |  Posts: 7

Germania Internation…



In this section we discuss, share and warn others about fakes.

Topics: 7  |  Posts: 49

Fake NSB Lotsverbond…

Your collection

This section is for sharing your collection and your new purchases.

Topics: 13  |  Posts: 220

Post your new badges…


This section is meant for deeper research on badges, organizations or historic events.

Topics: 11  |  Posts: 237

Article updates!


Microscopic Research

This section is for microscopic research and other research tools of the hobby.

Topics: 1  |  Posts: 2

Microscope – ADSM301…


Everything not related to anything…

Topics: 18  |  Posts: 406



Organizational badges
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This forum section is meant to house any questions about the membership badges, slogan badges or sympathizer badges of the NSDAP.

Topics: 45  |  Posts: 568

18mm nsdap badge wit…


This section is meant to house any questions about any non-NSDAP political badges and stickpins.

Topics: 25  |  Posts: 298

Interesting mirrored…

Veteran Organizations

This section is meant to house any questions about veteran badges.

Topics: 3  |  Posts: 32



Female Organizations

This section is for the German female organizational badges.

Topics: 2  |  Posts: 49

Roter Frauen und Mäd…


Youth Organizations

This section is for the German youth organizational badges.

Topics: 5  |  Posts: 23

Herbert Norkus Memor…


Tinnies and meeting badges

This section is meant to house any questions about meeting badges, tinnies and celebration badges.

Topics: 42  |  Posts: 260

Sommer Sonnen Wende …

Other organizations

This forum section is meant to house any questions about any other badges from German organizations.

Topics: 24  |  Posts: 236

Reichsnährstand 40 J…

Foreign Organizations

This section is meant to house any badges from other countries, except German organizations from Austria and Czechoslovakia, they sort under the usual categories. 

Topics: 21  |  Posts: 175


Freikorps and Weimar Republic
Last Post Info

Medals and Awards

This section is meant to house questions and research on the Freikorps medals and awards.

Topics: 19  |  Posts: 116

Unknown Swastika bad…


Photos and Documents (1 viewing)

This section is meant to house specific Freikorps documents and photos.

Topics: 20  |  Posts: 210

Freikorps in photos



This section is all about uniform insignia. Both cloth and metal.

Topics: 5  |  Posts: 21

"Freikorps Ehrhardt"…


Topics: 25  |  Posts: 514

[discussion topic] F…


Documents and Photos
Last Post Info


This section is meant to house analysis, questions and sharing of (old) photos.

Topics: 6  |  Posts: 40

Unknown Swastika wit…


This section is meant to house analysis, questions and sharing of documents. 

Topics: 10  |  Posts: 183

The Deutschvölkische…


Letters and Postcards

This section is meant to house transcripts, analysis and sharing of letters, postcards and similar.

Topics: 12  |  Posts: 43

Crazy obscure letter…



This section is meant to house analysis, questions and sharing of flyers, posters and so on.

Topics: 7  |  Posts: 31

NSDAP 1920

General Militaria
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WWI and earlier

This section is meant to house questions, analysis and sharing of medals, militaria from the WWI-period or earlier.

Topics: 7  |  Posts: 47

Iron Time

Wehrmacht Awards

This section is all about the general awards of the German Wehrmacht.

Topics: 5  |  Posts: 37

Peenemünde Access Ba…


Civil and Political Awards

This section is for the civil and political awards of the Third Reich.

Topics: 3  |  Posts: 17

"Gau Baden Ehrenzeic…

SS, Allgemeine SS and Waffen-SS

This section is all about the SS.

Topics: 3  |  Posts: 12

SS pin

Uniforms and Insignia

This section is for uniforms and parts of uniforms.

Topics: 9  |  Posts: 46

"Dienstrock Für ein …


Axis Militaria

This section is all about the awards, uniforms and badges of the Axis nations.

Topics: 2  |  Posts: 7

"Org Todt Bierstein"

Militaria Exchange
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Buy, sell and trade

This section is for selling, swapping and of course buying items. The forum staff takes no responsibility in the deals made here.

Topics: 1  |  Posts: 1




Post anything you are looking for here, and other forum members can contact you if they have what you are looking for.

Topics: 18  |  Posts: 68

Hungarian Nemzeti Sz…

Dealer updates

This section is for our dealer members, here they can give us an early heads up to their candy.

Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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