Organizational badg…
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Organizational badges

Organizational badges
Last Post Info


This forum section is meant to house any questions about the membership badges, slogan badges or sympathizer badges of the NSDAP.

Topics: 45  |  Posts: 567

18mm nsdap badge wit…



This section is meant to house any questions about any non-NSDAP political badges and stickpins.

Topics: 25  |  Posts: 297

Interesting mirrored…

Veteran Organizations

This section is meant to house any questions about veteran badges.

Topics: 3  |  Posts: 32



Female Organizations

This section is for the German female organizational badges.

Topics: 2  |  Posts: 49

Roter Frauen und Mäd…


Youth Organizations

This section is for the German youth organizational badges.

Topics: 5  |  Posts: 23

Herbert Norkus Memor…


Tinnies and meeting badges

This section is meant to house any questions about meeting badges, tinnies and celebration badges.

Topics: 42  |  Posts: 260

Sommer Sonnen Wende …

Other organizations

This forum section is meant to house any questions about any other badges from German organizations.

Topics: 24  |  Posts: 236

Reichsnährstand 40 J…

Foreign Organizations

This section is meant to house any badges from other countries, except German organizations from Austria and Czechoslovakia, they sort under the usual categories. 

Topics: 20  |  Posts: 171

