Bund Reichskriegsflagge is mostly remembered for its participation in the Beer Hall putsch of 8-9 November 1923. A fairly small organization, created in all haste in the beginning of October 1923 after a split with the large paramilitary organization Wehrverband Reichsflagge. It was by means the creation of Ernst Röhm, former captain in the Bavarian infantry. Röhm had been a leading member of the Wehrverband Reichsflagge which was headed by another Bavarian captain named Adolf Heiß.
Wehrverband Reichsflagge had during the Deutscher Tag in Nürnberg 1-2 September 1923 joined forces with the Sturmabteilung of NSDAP and Bund Oberland in a joint paramilitary umbrella called Deutscher Kampfbund. The Kampfbund was formed with one sole purpose: to overthrow the Weimar Republic through the means of force.…